Hendersonville Multi-Area Streambank Restoration Project

Client: City of Hendersonville
Location: Hendersonville, NC


The Multi‐Area Streambank Restoration Project is a City of Hendersonville (City) initiative to restore approximately 11,000 linear feet of streambanks at 13 sites throughout the City. The project purpose is to protect sanitary sewer and other City infrastructure and improve water quality in Mud Creek, an impaired stream on the state’s 303(d) list using a green infrastructure-focused approach. Grant funding through the Division of Water Infrastructure (DWI) requires state review of the project bid package and the acquisition of easements on each parcel.


Wildlands collaborated with the City to select a variety of approaches to address site needs and existing conditions including natural channel design, buffer enhancement, stormwater retrofits, and streambank restoration and stabilization measures. Project components included site assessment, a preliminary design, community outreach, project easement development, final design, permitting, construction oversight and monitoring. Construction was completed in 2021.


Wildlands used ArcGIS online and other cloud-stored data to facilitate easements and outreach and during the construction phase to track progress and post site photos and punch list items.


As part of the project, sites were evaluated for threatened and endangered species, jurisdictional determination (stream and wetland delineation), and 404/401 and floodplain development permits were obtained for the majority of sites. Six flood studies and hydraulic analysis reports were completed to support floodplain development permits. An erosion control permit was obtained for the project.


Ecological Restoration, Urban Design