Hoosier Dam Removal Project

Client: 130 of Chatham, LLC
Location: Chatham County, NC


In the fall of 2018, Wildlands worked with Unique Places and Schnabel Engineering with help from USFWS to remove the 94-year old hydroelectric dam located on the Rocky River in Chatham County, NC. The dam was removed as part of a National Fish and Wildlife Foundation grant to restore the Rocky River and open up 18,000 linear feet of habitat between two critical habitat areas of the endangered Cape Fear shiner. Wildlands was responsibility for the existing conditions assessment (including a Tier 1 sediment study), a sediment management plan, a biological assessment of the Cape Fear shiner, construction plans, and construction administration.


Read more about this project by clicking the following link: https://www.uniqueplacesllc.com/hoosier-dam-removal


Dam Removal