• Watershed Improvement Plan
  • Watershed Improvement Plan

Little Lick Creek Watershed Improvement Plan

Client: City of Durham
Location: Durham, NC


Wildlands is leading watershed planning services to improve the water quality and watershed health of Little Lick Creek, a State 303(d) listed water body for impaired conditions that flows into Falls Lake, a nutrient-sensitive water supply reservoir with an established TMDL for nutrients (total nitrogen and total phosphorus). The watershed improvement plan includes the following main components:


  • Assessment of the existing conditions of over 24 miles of streams with identification of potential stream restoration, enhancement, and stabilization projects
  • Assessment of 61 existing stormwater control facilities to determine if retrofits can improve their water quality benefits
  • Feasibility assessment of installing new stormwater quality facilities at 100 sites in developed areas with no stormwater control facilities as retrofits to the existing drainage system
  • Development of a watershed-scale hydrologic and hydraulic (SWMM) and water quality (WARMF) models to assess the effectiveness of individual and multiple water quality improvement projects
  • Comprehensive public education and outreach program, including public meetings, social media postings, and public education videos
  • Design of four stormwater retrofits: three regenerative stormwater conveyances (RSCs) and one bioretention area
  • Production of a Watershed Improvement Plan document that meets the nine elements of an EPA-approved watershed plan




Watershed Planning