Vile Creek Full-Delivery Mitigation Project

Client: NC Division of Mitigation Services
Location: Alleghany County, NC


Wildlands has restored a mountain stream and wetland complex on a cattle farm near the Town of Sparta, NC. The project elements include (1) restoration and enhancement to 7,927 feet of streams; (2) 3.0 acres of wetlands enhancement and 3.5 acres of wetlands creation; and (3) expansion and improvement of 2.0 acres of Southern Appalachian Bog habitat, which is intended to support populations of bog turtles. USFWS and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) biologists identified existing habitat within multiple linear man-made ditches across the site. These ditches were plugged to retain water on the site and widened to expand the bog conditions suitable for the turtles. In addition, Little River is a hatchery-supported trout stream stocked by the NCWRC. While there are no immediate plans to stock trout, Vile Creek is large enough to hold trout that migrate from Little River; therefore, the design goals also included enhancement of fish habitat. Long-term (post-monitoring period) management of the bog habitat is being coordinated with third party organizations, such as the NCWRC and/or the Bog Learning Network.


Ecological Restoration