Construction wraps up on our Vile Creek Stream and Wetland Mitigation Project.
Wildlands is pleased to announce that construction is complete on the Vile Creek stream and wetland mitigation project in Alleghany County, NC. The project includes the restoration and enhancement of 7,900 feet of streams and restoration of 6.5 acres of wetlands. The wetlands restoration includes the expansion of Southern Appalachian Bog habitat which is intended to support populations of bog turtles (Glyptemys muhlenbergii). In addition, Vile Creek drains to Little River within the project conservation easement, which is a hatchery supported trout stream stocked by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC). Vile Creek also holds trout which migrate from Little River and fish habitat was constructed as an element of the project. The floodplains and wetlands on the site were planted with native tree and shrub species. Shrubs were planted on much of the site so that the bog habitat areas will not be overly shaded. By closeout, the project will result in 5,146 stream mitigation units (SMUs) and 5.82 wetland mitigation units (WMUs).